Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Legend of Thieves

THIEVES! No not that kind .. well, not anymore! Thieves is another essential oil that you may want to consider adding to your medicine cabinet. As you know, I'm not HUGE into using oils (yet!) but I have a few that I've had handy for a few years now and Thieves is one of them. 

Thieves is a blend of lemon, rosemary, cloves, eucalyptus, and cinnamon. The legend goes that during the time in history when the feared Black Plague (Bubonic Plague) was decimating populations in Europe there was a merry band of four thieves who managed to plunder the riches of the dead and dying without ever getting sick. Upon their capture in France they were offered a lighter sentence in exchange for the secret in avoiding illness. The recipe for thieves is based on historical accounts and records of the story. So .. being plagued by illness in our house this past week it was time to break out my bottle and put it to use. 

Like most essential oils, Thieves is antimicrobial, anti fungal, antiviral, and anti parasitic. When illness darkens our door I have three ways that I use it.
  1. Drop 10-15 drops into a diffuser or vaporizer in the unhealthy family member's room. This is usually my son but my husband seems to get sick every time he comes in contact with a germ. Luckily, having our room smell spicy and remind me of holidays and Christmas trees isn't such a bad thing!
  2. Mix a few drops into coconut oil and use as a chest rub.
  3. 1 drop in with a tablespoon of water, gargle, and swallow to attack a sore throat.
If it worked for the BLACK PLAGUE it has to be worth a try, right! I've found it to work well in the ways I use it but not surprisingly a little research pulled up even more ways to use this versatile oil around the house, in the air, and topically. 

And to give you some ideas on the types of use: 

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