Thursday, October 16, 2014

Do it for your mini germ factories!

Ah kids ... they touch EVERYTHING. 

They will eat food off the floor or better yet - the sidewalk. 

They will not hesitate to throw themselves bodily down in the middle of an aisle and roll around while you're just trying to pick up the milk and eggs and get the heck home. 

Let's face it - we love them but the concept of washing hands and sanitizing to avoid germs is lost on them during cold and flu season. 

The good news is that thanks to the world of social media I not only stumbled across recipes for Elderberry Syrup to ward off cold and flu but a genius way of protecting my not so germ conscious child. So, brought to you by the wellness mama (I really would like to meet this lady!) ... 

Here is her recipe for gummy bears. See my earlier post for Elderberry Syrup recipes that you'll need. This is just another step beyond the syrup and if your kids are like mine - fruit snacks are rarely turned away. Might as well make them healthy!

Flu Busting Gummy Bears
Prep time
Total time
Flu busting homemade gummy bears combine the immune boost from elderberry syrup with the gut benefits of gelatin.
Recipe type: Natural Remedy
Serves: 6+
  1. Grease molds or glass pan with coconut oil to prevent sticking.
  2. Place ¼ cup of cooled elderberry syrup in a 2 cup measuring cup and add gelatin powder.
  3. Quickly whisk together to temper the gelatin powder.
  4. Add the ½ cup of hot (not boiling) water and stir quickly until smooth.
  5. Add the rest of the elderberry syrup and stir or whisk until completely smooth.
  6. Pour in to molds and put in fridge for 2 hours or until completely firm.
  7. Pop out of molds and store in air tight container with parchment paper between layers.
  8. Take daily as needed to avoid flu or take every few hours to help beat the flu faster.
  9. Will last up to a week in the fridge in an air tight container.


  1. Thanks for this helpful post. It's definitely cold season with our five-year-old in the house and elderberry is new to us. Seems to be working so far! We found the syrup first, but a little more shopping led us to pre formed gummy doses which our little one really likes.

    1. We've been using the maintenance dose of syrup in our house. Haven't found any tummies and not elderberries yet to try making my own but it has been helpful for us as well!


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This work by Tempered Natural is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.