Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fall Equals All Things Pumpkin

Stumbled across this recipe and thought it worth sharing. I'll be trying it out once we have a pumpkin handy from carving next month so check back for my review!

Back in the day, ice cream was a lot better for you and still delicious.  Fast forward to today and it is difficult to find an ice cream in the freezer section that doesn't contain artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and other fun stuff like that.  There is an entire list that I could provide but all you really need to do is check out the ingredients on your carton of butter pecan or cookies-n-cream to start seeing things like Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Mono and Di-Glycerides, and so on.  Putting it simply - if you have trouble pronouncing it and no idea what it is it isn't the best stuff to eat but . . . it just TASTES SO GOOD!

So give this recipe a try.  Only four ingredients which you can easily pronounce and only one step when it comes to directions. Even I can handle that during the monster's, I mean my son's, nap time on a Saturday.

Get the recipe here:

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